Learn more about Monica's organization and tick related illnesses.
COTBDAA is a 100% volunteer run organization. It is our mission to ELEVATE awareness of the devastating impacts of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases and conditions to help people prevent exposure to these too often life altering or life ending illnesses. We prioritize support for patients and caregivers.
As a family we have a passion for spending time outdoors and to provide resources to others to remain tick-safe while enjoying time in the outdoors...including our canine companions!
Governor Jared Polis has proclaimed May as Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases/Conditions Awareness Month for the state of CO for 2024! https://coloradoticks.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024_Lyme-Tick-Borne-Disease-Conditions-Awareness-Month_CO_Official.jpg
Awareness Month Page: https://coloradoticks.org/lyme-tbds-conditions-awareness-month/
Link to our events: https://coloradoticks.org/events/
Recent news article from our event in Steamboat Springs with Colorado Mountain College.
Our Story: https://coloradoticks.org/who-we-are/
Monica White/Andy White/Reece White/Ison White Bios: https://coloradoticks.org/our-board-and-volunteers/
BIRDS: We partner with the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies to track ticks being transported by migratory birds in CO...https://coloradoticks.org/citizen-science/
Just one bite can change a life! Colorado is home to nearly 30 species of ticks, some capable of transmitting pathogens that can cause illness in people, pets and wildlife. Travel to regions within the US and around the world where tick prevalence and disease may be even greater exposes Colorado travelers to additional risks that they may not be aware of. Regardless of where or how exposure to ticks may occur, Coloradans need access to accurate information regarding risk, prevention, potential disease, testing, diagnosis and treatment within Colorado and throughout the US. Though not every tick bite may transmit disease, prevention measures should always be taken and every tick bite should be treated properly.
I co-authored a publication on Ticks & Tick-Borne Disease in CO:
H Joel Hutcheson, James W Mertins, Boris C Kondratieff, Monica M White, Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases of Colorado, Including New State Records for Argas radiatus (Ixodida: Argasidae) and Ixodes brunneus (Ixodida: Ixodidae), Journal of Medical Entomology, tjaa232, https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjaa232
One Little Bite, short film by Monica White: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8hvaicotrU
Looking Upstream Podcast: https://www.wearechaffee.org/white
Product for events may be shipped to my home address: 10760 Sawatch Range Rd., Salida, CO 81201
Thank you so much, I look forward to working with you all at Hoplark in May and beyond!