All of Our Drinks Are
Tea brewed like craft beer
Hoplark 0.0
The best beer you can drink that isn't even a beer
Hoplark Water
Water with the hoppiness of a beer
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We're what happens when you brew tea like a craft beer.
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All About the Hops
Learn all about hops and shop by variety and hoppiness levels
Shop by HopsAs I cracked open my first Hoplark a sudden wave of citra filled the air. Is this tea or is this a pale ale? The olfactory senses were so confused yet extremely happy. As the can was raised towards thy mouth, another burst of citra enhanced the air. Finally the moment arrived for the magical concoction to embrace the lips and slide onto the pallet. It was that exact moment of contact the trumpets sounded and the unicorns appeared as if they were never extinct. Conclusion: Good. Damn good. 5 Stars. Will buy again. CHEERS!
Sean P.
EVERYONE is shocked how much it tastes just like a beer!! Zero alcohol, zero calories! WE LIVE them!!! I buy these at a popular organic grocery store. They sell out, often. I think there are 4 flavors! I like the green tea, too! They have grapefruit and another one, not certain the flavor. LOVE THEM!
I cannot say enough good things. We have tried all of the non-caffeinated flavors of HopTea. All I can say is WOW! So many alcohol alternatives out there and this is the BEST. Their prices are reasonable, there are few to no calories and they taste like beer! My husband and I are so glad we tried HopTea, and we have become loyal customers. Our only complaint is that we go through them too fast!
Is it possible to be bold, juicy, hoppy, and elegantly balanced? Why yes. Bloody Good one hits the mark. It is Hoplemousse one(*and I LOVE me some of that!,*) on crack... in a very good/delicious way! You kids out there in Hoplark are brewing some amazing stuff! Looking forward to more amazing teas, as spring approaches.
Akihiro M.
I sampled a dozen such beverages from upstart non-alcoholic brewing companies. Yet, taste being subjective, my personal favorite wasn’t even an N/A beer at all. The most delicious, hoppy alcohol-free beverage was a carbonated, dry-hopped iced tea: Hoplark HopTea out of Boulder, Colorado.
The Takeout
best one yet! Tried all of their flagships after deciding to get sober in December & after losing my house in this artic blast I questioned if I should cancel my subscription but being that these were the only things that survived in my fridge after the power outage it kept me on the wagon and sane so I decided to order more & plus the new limited sparkling water.
"Oct. 1, 4:30 pm: At my desk and wanting to hit happy hour, I crack open a can of intensely flavored HopTea, “The Really Hoppy One,” brewed with black tea plus Citra and Simcoe hops. Crisp, bitter notes and 70mg of caffeine pull me out of an afternoon slump, and I make a 5:30 p.m. CycleBar class ready to crush it."
Aspen Times Weekly
Hoplark adds hops like Simcoe and Citra to the brew to extract complementary herbal and citrus notes before the beverage is carbonated and canned... The result is a refreshing sparkling tea with the subtle bitterness of a freshly poured beer.
Imbibe Magazine
Once it hits your lips... so good. Really the best hop driven non-alcoholic drink I have tried. The flavor of the tea with the hop notes is really amazing. The packaging was also very effective given that my UPS person usually does a 40 yard toss onto my porch with all of my packages, all cans survived. Really great product!
Lindsay T.
I was not necessarily leery, but slightly hesitant, but fear not, these hopTeas are beyond great. Very tasty, not offensive in flavors, and easily consumed. The only drawback is you may go broke cause this may be the only thing you drink.
M. Lamb
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