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November Mocktail - Ginger Hopple

Shout out to our friends @Gladys for helping to create the amazing ode to autumn and apples this month. (Local folks, go eat there, like yesterday. It's amazing)

Make this for your guests this holiday season or as a treat for yourself, you deserve it!

Created by Javier

A fun and easy Pecan Ginger Simple Syrup to add to the Apple Pie One that I think works quite well. It both adds to and enhances the flavors already present in the drink. It’s a very easy and straightforward recipe that both an experienced and amateur home cook can whip up fairly quickly. In keeping with both Hoplark’s and Gladys’ ethos, it is also no waste! I recommend adding 1.5 to 2 ounces of the Pecan Ginger Simple Syrup to a whole can of the Apple Pie One, depending on sweetness preferences. Here’s the details…

Pecan Simple Syrup Recipe 

400g Water

*400g Sugar

120g Pecans, crushed from whole halves

40g Ginger, peeled and finely minced

  1. Measure out 400g each of Water and Sugar. Set aside.
  2. Measure out 120g of pecan halves. Crush into small pieces and set aside. (Halves retain a more natural flavor than pre-crushed pieces.)
  3. Peel and mince fresh Ginger until you have 40g. Set aside.
  4. Using a sauté pan, toast the Pecan pieces over medium high heat until fragrant.
  5. Combine the 400g Water and 400g Sugar into a small pot.
  6. Once the Pecans are toasted add them along with the Ginger to the Water and Sugar and slowly bring to a boil.
  7. Once the liquid reaches a boil, cover and take off the heat. Let the whole mixture steep for one hour.
  8. Using a fine strainer, strain the mixture until all the liquid has been removed. Set the Pecans and Ginger aside for a bonus assignment. Refrigerate the Syrup in an airtight container.

Bonus Assignment: The spent Pecans and Ginger can be used to make a crumble that makes an excellent topping to squash based soups, mashed sweet potatoes, or on top of salads.

Pecan Ginger Crumble

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Spread the spent Pecans and Ginger into a thin, even layer on a silicone baking sheet.
  3. Bake at 250 degrees for half an hour.
  4. Let cool and store in an airtight container.
*No sugar, no problem. Sub in your favorite sweet substitute. (I - not food pro Javier - used a few dates, and while it did impart its own flavors, it was darned tasty)
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